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It's the most wonderful time of the year...

December 1st...finally! November seemed to last an extra long time. The boys make the whole Christmas season brighter. We sing along with the Christmas songs with a smile and we dance around the house alot, too...with such great tunes as "Rockin' around the Christmas Tree", "Feliz Navidad" and "I want a Hippopotomus for Christmas"...who can resist the tapping of ones toes?

The big debate the past couple of days has been how many days of Christmas there actually are. One of the boys' favorite songs of course is "The 12 Days of Christmas"...but they also reason that the 25 days leading up to Christmas is "Christmas" as well, so that gives us, according to little boys' mindsets, 37 days of celebration. I am so okay with this...and proud to be their mama!

Knowing the real meaning of Christmas has always been of utmost importance to teach the boys. I have never been an advocate of the whole S.C. scenario, so it's fun to just have fun without all the pressure of the man in red coming through with big ticket items. Christmas morning is so much fun...but just as fun is the first day of getting out all of the Christmas decorations. They open those boxes as if there's a gift in them like on Christmas morning. It's so fun to decorate with them helping set up the Christmas village, the tree, and all the other little odds and ends around the house. I make homemade ornaments each year for us, too, so they look forward to hanging them on the tree and going over each one year after year. The only one that's not fairing so well is the "Gingerbread House" ornament I made the year we bought our current house. Tim's kind of sad the beads keep falling off...and I agree they need some day. :) This year's ornament is going to be a Gingerbread Man...made from felt, not foam, so the decor will stay on better (I hope!). In fact I need to get going on them...need to make ours and the ones for the youth tree as well. I love making them their ornaments for the tree in the youth room. Hope they like them again this year.

Only 24 more days until Christmas...let the countdown begin!


  1. I personally like the song "Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer"... LOL! But really, I do love the hymns we sing at church all month during December the best. Those really do it for me, remembering that Jesus was born to save me.

    LOVE the tree-hugging! That's CUTE!

    Blessings to you, friend! ♥

    (I've had you in my Favorites for a while. *wink*)

  2. The pictures were great...and I like all the excitement your family gets at Christmas...and all of the Christmas music and dancing around the house. (:>) We should be joyful and excited at Christmas!

    I hope this year will be very special for you and your family.

    I became a follower today.
    God Bless!

    Linda @ Truthful Tidbits

  3. ooohhh....what do you use for your snow with the villages? That looks way better than my boring white felt! Love the look of rapt concentration on the boys' faces as they hang those ornaments! Thanks for taking us back!

  4. Thanks, ladies! This year the boys set up the village 100% by themselves and it looks great (to their mom at least).
    Kim, I use batting/stuffing for my "snow".

  5. I love this time of year! And you're right... kids do make it more fun!

    Just now getting around to visiting everyone's memories on a lazy walk down memory lane! Thanks for linking up!

    The Lazy Mom


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