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home of the Braves

As a metro Atlanta resident, it seems almost a requirement to go to a Braves game to continue living here.  I grew up watching baseball and loving the game...and have been to a few games in St. Louis, Cincinnati, Detroit...and of course, Atlanta.  The problem for me going to a Braves game is purely mental...having been a Mets and Cardinals fan for years, I just haven't the love necessary for the Braves to call me a fan.
However, as with many things in life that I haven't particularly enjoyed over the years, my boys make it so worth my time and heart.  I go watch the Braves because I love my boys...and my boys and I love baseball.  Well, they love what they know of the game...still in training, but getting the hang of the lingo and SOP's of a baseball fan rather well.

There are a few things that remain the same from stadium to stadium..."the wave" (Braves' attendees do not always get into this, which is very disappointing), organ music to lead you to yell "Charge!" at the top of your lungs with a 1000+ strangers, overpriced but necessary snacks, sticky concrete under your feet, and someone in the middle of your row always needing to enter/exit for some reason or another.  It wouldn't be a live game without these treasures.  There is an additional tradition in the Braves stadium, and my boys love it!  The Tomahawk Chop is a crowd pleaser...for those rooting for the home team, anyway. :)  It is so cute to see Alex and Tim chopping their little hearts out when the music moves us to do so!
Thankfully, along the way, someone realized in order to make coming to a baseball game a family event, they needed to provide things for each family member to do.  There are two kids' zones in the stadium.  One provides an area for kids to play ball themselves (and other kid stuff, too).  The other, up on the upper level, has a baseline for the kids to run the distance from home plate to 1st base...that's it, just run from point A to point B...and they love it!
So, to say we went to the game is say we saw the entire game would be a stretch.  Over half of the quick 8.5 innings of the game were spent in one kids' zone or the other with some walking time thrown in there, too.  Maybe that's why it's fun to go...I end up watching my favorite players do what they love and leave baseball to the pros. :)

Mommy and Me Monday at Really, Are You Serious?
Hosted by Krystyn at Really, Are You Serious?


  1. I love the picture in the big red chair!

    I can't bring myself to go to a Marlins game. They are close, but they are not my team and the stadium...ick! Did I mention you can actually count the number of fans in the stands?

    It looks like y'all had a great time!

  2. That is one humungous chair. Looks like you two had so much funin the game

  3. Looks and sounds like you had a great time. We haven't taken the kids to a game yet...but I'm not a fan of the baseball games...and the "chop" is just too much!

  4. Thanks for stopping by everyone! We did have a fun time at the ballpark, especially crawling around that big red chair. Funny thing is that they have two of these sitting beside one another overlooking the downtown area. It was so pretty up there...and cooler!

  5. omg thats one big red chair!!! love your picture with your kids :)

    nicey! thanks for dropping by my blog..

  6. LOVE the chair, but the post you have below this one just blew me away with your photography skills. can only say WOW! You have so much talent!

  7. I can hubs and 3 boys love baseball, so my loving them includes accepting and participating in America's Pastime. (I should've seen the writing on the wall while sitting at my future hubs' countless bball games!) At least you get to see a good team...we only have the Pirates!

    Visiting from the Hip Homeschool Hop!


  8. What a wonderful, nostalgic post. Love the photo of you guys in the big red chair.

  9. Stopping by to say "Hi" from the Hip Homeschool Hop! Have a blessed day!

  10. Thanks, everyone, again for stopping by! Enjoy your day!

  11. Visiting from Hip Homeschool Hop - it's nice to "meet" you :-)


  12. I was gonna reply to your comment but it's set to noreply so I came back. :)
    Thanks for your kind comment and stopping by my blog!! That's so awesome that you've had so many wonderful opportunities to share God's word. :)

  13. So glad you joined us at Hip Homeschool Mom's / Hop! LOVE your blog! (and cute hair too!) :)


  14. Thanks everyone for your comments!

  15. Don't forget.... you've earned 4 more comments on the giveaway.

    Just come back and say

    (I added button) x2 comments

    (linked up) x2 comments

    This will give you a better chance to win the C&Trike book too!

    Just trying to help you out. Thanks for linking up! :-)

  16. Just found you through the Hip Homeschool Hop -- I am in Atlanta as well -- we spend A LOT of time at Turner Field, as my son and husband are Braves obsessed! :-) I look forward to following your blog!


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