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Not Me

I really like those "Not Me Monday" kind of posts.  I find them very entertaining and creatively written.  Never really thought I'd have anything interesting to write about in such a fashion.  No, not me.
It kind of started back on Friday when I was not a homeschool mom that decided to take the day off of school simply because it was Tim's birthday.  It wasn't me who made cinnamon rolls for a midmorning snack for all of us to enjoy while Tim opened some birthday presents.  I was not the one who then took the boys out for a power lunch at Taco Mac at Tim's request.  It wasn't me that used the "I need to go pick up the pork and stew at Cafe Pig anyway." to justify going into Peachtree City for said lunch.  It wasn't me who had to stop at Kroger on the way home...on a Friday afternoon, a week before Christmas.  Also on the way home, it wasn't me who was tempted to stop for a peppermint milkshake at Chick-fil-A.  (Thankfully, it was me who didn't cave in to that one).
On Saturday, it wasn't me who slept in until 9 am.  It wasn't me who then volunteered to take Tim to the store to exchange a gift a week before Christmas.  It wasn't me who then offered to give Tim money in place of his store gift card because he couldn't find anything he wanted and proceeded to buy two sweaters since I had said gift card.  It wasn't me who then agreed to immediately take Tim to another store to find what he was looking for a week before Christmas.  It wasn't me who loved the idea of brunch at IHOP before heading home.  It wasn't me who encouraged Tim to relish the fact that his birthday was turning into a 3+ day event.  No, not me.
Saturday afternoon it wasn't me who went ahead and made a batch of date cookies even though I have a coffee cake and half a cheesecake already in the freezer.  It wasn't me who ate a date cookie straight out of the oven and burned my tongue on it just like I've done countless times before because I can't wait to taste them. 
Saturday night it wasn't me who stayed up late watching "Dances with Wolves" just because it was on even though I have it in my stash of movies and could have watched it anytime I wanted the next day.  Consequently, it wasn't me who got up late and made us late for church on Sunday...nor was it me who was tempted to leave church after Sunday school because I was tired and hungry.  (Again, thankful I didn't cave).
Sunday night it was not me who bent over to find something in the freezer and have pain seize my body.  It wasn't me who was then in constant, searing pain for the next 24 hours with no position offering relief.  It wasn't me who had to literally crawl out of bed because it was too painful to sit up first.  It wasn't me who was wishing for my muscle relaxer to kick into effect more fervently.  And, finally, it wasn't me who was sort of excited to finally have a "Not Me Monday" post to write...and it definitely wasn't me who wrote her post too late in order to link up for such a day, either.
Nope, not me.  


  1. Bless your heart - That is one whopper of a "Not me" post!!!

    I hope that you have some better luck this week, my friend. :)

    Blessings to you from the Hip Homeschool Hop,

    The Homeschool Chick

  2. I enjoyed reading about all the things you didn't do ;) Stopping by from the Hip Homeschool Hop.

  3. Aww loved your post. And your chipmunk music makes me giggle. I am stopping by from the Hip Homeschool Hop.

  4. A perfect "Not Me Post" or is it not so perfect. I get confused. hahahahahahahahahaha Hope your burnt tongue is feeling better!

  5. I haven't seen a "not me" post before, but I enjoyed it! Birthdays usually end up being more than one day celebrations around here (at least for the kids) :)

  6. Delighted to meet you! Hope you don't mind if I splash around to get to know you a bit. This looks like a refreshing place to dip and get drenched in goodness.

    Have a joy filled, love overflow Christmas,

  7. Wow! What a weekend you didn't have! praying your pain is better! Thanks for joining in on the Hip Homeschool Hop!


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