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Wednesday's Walk: using our gifts

Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life.  1 Timothy 6:17-19
Lately, the desire to purposefully use my spiritual gifts has been first and foremost on my list of things to do for 2011.  As I read 1 Timothy 6 one day for my Bible time, verses 17-19 just leapt off the page at me.  I want to take hold of the life that is truly life.  I have been reminded's about hoping in God and being willing to share my gifts.
In case I didn't get the point in reading these verses, God used Alex to get the point across even more last night.  Alex went to brush his teeth and get his pajamas on before bed.  When he walked back out into the living room, the scent of his new cologne pleasantly surprised me.  I smiled and told him he smells pretty good for a guy just going to bed.  He sweetly commented back to me, "What's the use of getting a gift if you aren't going to use it?"  My eyes teared up and I assured him he was more correct in what he said than he could even possibly know.
In thinking about ways others have blessed me with their gifts, I remembered a poem that was written for me by a friend of mine when I graduated from college.  Her gift was in writing and her willingness to share it with and for me was my favorite gift of all of that I received.  She knew I was having a difficult time in leaving all my friends from college and moving away, so she gave me a gift that encouraged me to realize that although we'd be apart in miles, we'd always be close in heart.  It was just what I needed at the time.  She surrounded her poem with pictures taken throughout the year, framed it and highlighted this verse, Hebrews 6:10..."God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them."  The most precious gift we have to give someone has first been given to us by God.  When we use what we've been given to bless someone else, it's a way for God to show Himself glorious through us. 
Oh, for a life that reflects God first and, that is living!

"Janet Rose"
With confidence and grace she walks,
on her lips, a smile that chases sadness away.
Her hair; beautiful, strawberry blonde,
a golden crown ever so perfect each day.

A rose; is a beautiful, delicate flower,
that breathlessly captures the eye.
It closes up in darkness for protection,
but opens in light, silent as a sigh.

She is similar to the rose,
catching the eye of all who see.
those that choose to take notice,
see the light of GOD, evident and free.

In the darkness and sadness she closes up,
humanly protecting each fragile part.
The petals of the rose can easily tear,
as can the pieces of her delicate heart.

Roses stand out in midst of a garden,
brightly guiding those who depend.
As she does, known as the mother,
directing and leading each blooming friend.

After a rose has bloomed full beauty,
the heavenly scent still lingers all around.
The beauty of the flower is never forgotten,
nor is the spirit that was easily found.

She will never be forgotten here.
Her presence will live daily and true.
The beauty of this Janet Rose remains,
in the hearts of me and you.

written by Dawna Fetter
March 31, 1994

We are given gifts so they can be used.
No use having them if we aren't going to use them, indeed.


  1. what a beautiful poem! and how sweet of her to bless you with those kind, encouraging words. thanks for sharing it with us!

  2. What a precious post! you are right and I have been encouraged. Love to you my friend!

  3. Well, Janet Rose, you are indeed using your gifts to encourage and inspire. So glad we're friends.


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