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on a personal note...

I have been recently reminded of the importance of my investment in others...strangers, friends, family, God.
A genuine investment. 
Not fleeting.  Not pressured.  Not insincere. 
A timeless investment.
Not counted.  Not measured.  Not compared.  

God has no lapse in His care...His love...His joy for me. 

"The LORD is good, a stronghold in a day of distress; He cares for those who take refuge in Him."  Nahum 1:7

"Give thanks to the LORD, for He is good; His faithful love endures forever."  1 Chronicles 16:34

"And the ransomed of the LORD will return and come to Zion with singing, crowned with unending joy.  Joy and gladness will overtake them, and sorrow and sighing will flee."  Isaiah 51:11

My ability to care for and love others is limited.  I falter at being consistently aware of others' needs, sorrows, and even their joys in life. 
I'm talking epic failure, here. 
Nothing makes me more aware of my own failures than when I feel someone has failed me.  Nothing hurts me more than feeling forgotten...left out...ignored. 

It's a good reminder, though...I don't want others to feel forgotten by me.
It's a great motivator, too...tomorrow's another day to try again at treating others like how I want to be treated.
It's a powerful tool...our time, our words, shared with someone can be used by God to reveal Himself, the Almighty One.

God never changes.  He never needs a Plan B.  He's never surprised by what comes next.  However...
Time changes all things for us.  We have to fly by the seat of our pants sometimes.  Sometimes what to do evades us so we do nothing at all.
Oh, that we may see and reach out to others especially in these times.  Stay connected with God and share what's going on with those who have invested time, care and love in you.  Communication eliminates alot of doubt and fear hanging around when changes are taking place.   

Dear Heavenly Father, I'm sorry for failing to follow Your example on how to care for and love others. May I be ever reminded to make the most of the moments in each day to share You with others by what I say and do. I'm far from perfect and cannot expect perfection of others. Help me let go of the questions and the hurt inside. Please fill me with Your joy as I rely on You as my provider of all things. In Jesus' name, Amen.


  1. Janet Rose...I think you were reading my mind as I read your post today! I have been thinking these same things.

    By reaching out to others in a sincere way...truly caring about them, and placing their needs above our own...we can truly be God's vessels. I want to be His vessel, and I want to pour out His love.

    Church was wonderful today. I feel so blessed to have a wonderful church and to be able to pray for the needs of my church family...and to know that they will pray for me in my hour of need.

    Too many times I go there to get something out of church...not even thinking about what I can give out there to those that I love. Those who are hurting.

    Thanks for this post. It touched me in many ways!

    Love, Linda

  2. Oh, Linda, please pray for me, too! I so want the Lord to break my heart even more so that I see them as He does. Lifting you up!
    ~Janet Rose


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