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the ministry of friendship

"And Saul’s son Jonathan went to David at Horesh and helped him find strength in God."  1 Samuel 23:16

Sometimes things don't work out as one first plans, but this doesn't always turn out in a bad way.  For instance, my arriving in ANC on the 20th was intended to be a family vacation until the 24th.  I arrived alone due to certain circumstances that aren't bad, just ones that kept the fam back home in GA instead of on a plane with me to The Last Frontier this year.
Turns out, these days have not been lost.  I'm blessed beyond measure to have had a few days to visit and venture out with friends, while seeing new places in Alaska, too.  Experiencing things I will never forget.
Turning lemons into lemonade, so to speak.
While these are days filled with fun and exploration, there's been ministry occuring.  One that happens between friends...friends that have a common spirit.  Answers to prayers that I've prayed ever since knowing I would be coming alone are indeed coming my way.  I didn't want to be here and not be a good steward of my time.  With prayerful consideration of my options, I believe that my ministry for the first few days was one of friendship.  The story of David and Jonathan's friendship shows us many examples of how there can be ministry in can read my thoughts on this here and here
Flying over Thursday morning to a remote Native village where a friend of mine has lived now for several months brought full circle the circumstances under which Kim and I met last year while we were both staff for GraceWorks, a mission organization that takes the Gospel message to where the people are in Anchorage.  Kim moved to Anchorage last fall after GraceWorks was over to begin a women's ministry.  God then opened doors for her to eventually move to the remote village a short flight out of Anchorage.   I have so enjoyed hearing and reading about Kim's time in Alaska over the past year.  A time of ministry...of healing...of finding oneself again.  Her friendship has been a blessing to me over the past year and I was thrilled to be going to visit her in her home in the village.
As we talked and caught up on life's adventures while together, it was as if we've known each other a long time.  Hopefully, I encouraged her as much as I was inspired and encouraged by her.  I firmly believe it's a God thing that we met.  He allowed our paths to cross at a certain moment in time for His glory.
To have a friend who understands the crazy awesomeness of God revealed in me, this is priceless.

Written 7.23.11 in Alaska      


  1. Janet, It was such a joy seeing you again and exploring together. You are indeed an encouragement and inspiration, not only to me, but to many.


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