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Happy Thanksgiving!
All this month I have read post after post and status after status of things that people are thankful for this year. I found myself relating to what was written most of the time, but never felt led to write a status update every day or any "top ten things to be thankful for" posts myself. I asked myself why this was one day...and the answer really never came. But I know better than to force myself to write something just because it seems the thing to do. So, I didn't. And, I am okay with this. It is not because I do not have much to be thankfuul for....but, it is because I want to be genuine in my thankfulness. This is something that tmeans alot to me and takes effort at becoming. It is something that I hope others find in my daily life and not just during the month of November.
My Thanksgiving Day today has been a blessed and fun one. Family time, visits with friends, great food, and a walk down memory lane with my childhood friends, the Muppets. In and throu gh the day, God filled me with good things that ultimately He could provide...maybe not the Muppets, but that was simply icing on the cake.
I was reminded just tonight, however, that even if my day had not gone this way, God would still be good. So, tonight, I am most thankful to God for His goodness, His grace, and His unchangingness.
God is matter what!


  1. I agree whole heartedly! Blessings!

  2. We do have so much to be thankful for. And ,we don't have to write lists just because everyone else does. what is in the heart and spoken to God is the most important!

  3. Hi Janet Rose...yes God is good no matter what! or as we always say..."God is good all the time!"

    So glad you had a good Thanksgiving...and The Muppets! I assume you mean the movie? I like to watch kids movies. And I love to watch Christmas movies. There have been a ton of them on lately, so I am really watching a lot of them. (:>)

    I have so much to be thankful for too. We try to give thanks everyday. But sometimes we fail. I am so glad that we have a forgiving God who loves us and gave Himself for us!

    Thanks for your comment. Yes, our family has such a great time when we are all together.

    This grandma got so tired from all of the preparation and then the food and family fun, that I slept from after church yesterday morning until 8PM. Then I got up for a couple of hours and went back to bed and slept all night. I just was extremely zonked!

    How nice that you had four generations at your gathering.

    I worked on Christmas cards today and I am almost done! (:>) I enjoy sending and receiving cards...and I got that fro my mom who always loved them.

    Have a lovely week ahead Jaet Rose.

    Love, Linda

  4. Oops...I left out a few letters in my comment. Sorry Janet


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