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flower vs. weeds

"For God, who said, 'Let light shine out of darkness,' made His light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ."
2 Corinthians 4:6
Every summer when I am away for any amount of time, the weeds seem to sense this and take over the flower gardens.  This year hasn't been as bad as some, especially compared to last year, but somehow they thrive in the heat of the summer days with little to no rain.
When I arrived home from Alaska, I tried going out a little at a time and pulling weeds, but the earth was so dry it was quite a task.  I knew I wasn't getting the roots out, so I decided to postpone my efforts until it rained again.
On Friday of last week, a red Magic Lily appeared by our garden hose, just outside of our garage.  I snapped a few photos with my phone in my excitement over having a flower blooming in a spot where it has never before bloomed.  Six years and not once has this flower ever appeared in this spot.  There are some in the yard, but they haven't bloomed in two years now.
Only after I took the photos, did I realize that I haven't made my way to that spot in my weed pulling endeavors.  I almost took a few minutes to clean up the area and take new photos, but I stopped.  I saw the word picture God was trying to show me in that moment.  That is how I am to live out my life...a flower amidst the weeds.  He desires His children...He desires be a light in a dark and "weedy" world.  He has given me His light to shine wherever I am.  When people see the Light, the darkness fades away.
Noticed, too, was this.  In the midst of the weeds, the glorious red petals stood out.  I didn't take note of the weeds because of the beauty of the flower.  The flower held my attention.  Only when I lost focus of the flower, the messiness of the weeds caused concern.
Isn't that how it is when we are focused on God and in communication with Him through reading His Word and prayer?  The concerns of this world take a second place to His presence in our lives.  He doesn't always remove the difficulties or cares of the world around us, but they do not stand up against His awesomeness.  He will take first place.
I love the quote I once read in Max Lucado's book, Facing Your Giants, "Focus on giants -- you stumble; focus on God -- your giants tumble."
Hoping to take the lesson of this flower and watch the weeds fade and the giants tumble in the light of God's presence in my life.


  1. Janet! I have been thinking and thinking about this same thing so much this summer. The weeds have been especially bad this year and I haven't been as on top of things because of this baby growing inside me. As I was pulling weeds I had to leave some so that I wouldn't pull up my plants. We are to be a light in the darkness, beauty in the ugliness. love love love. excellent post. So glad I am back to blogging and visiting again. =)

  2. Absolutely beautifully worded!


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