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choose your easy

More and more I am seeing this thought meme-ing its way through social media...
"I wish it were as easy to lose weight as it is to gain weight."
I beg your pardon...

Whoever said it was easy to gain weight?
What part about gaining weight is any easier than losing it?
I gained weight consistently over the course of the first 41 years of my life.
I do not recall those years as easy ones where my weight was concerned.

What is easy about being the heaviest person in your family? Or in your class?
What is easy about having to buy clothes that are labeled as "husky"? Or later on in life, have to shop in a special section of the store for "women's sizes" or even in stores that only carry "women's sizes".
What is that supposed to even mean...women's sizes???
What is easy about feeling as if you have no self control?
What is easy about eating until your pants are too tight before you ever get up from the table?
What is easy about feeling guilty for eating when you're not even hungy?
What is easy about dealing with shame, directly or indirectly placed on you due to your size?
What is easy about hiding in pictures or just avoiding being in them altogether?
What is easy about wishing for a different life and never seemingly able to understand how to attain it?
What is easy about dealing with depression about your weight, sometimes giving way to indulging even more to "comfort" yourself?
What is easy about going out with friends and seeing them eat the same thing you do but they never seem to put on a pound?
What is easy about seeing your poor choices and lack of self control be learned by your own children right before your very eyes?

Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

Let me assure you, gaining weight is anything but easy.

Why does this concept get under my skin every time I see someone mention it?
Because it is empowering excuses to run their lives.
Excuses such as, but not inclusive to...
I deserve to be happy and food makes me happy.  I cannot stick with a diet.  I need fill in the blank.  I'm tired.  I don't have time to cook/exercise.  I don't care.  I will start losing weight when fill in the blank.  Nobody wants to join me.  I don't know how to lose weight.  I feel intimidated at the gym.  I don't like to cook.  It's too expensive.  I am afraid of failing{again}.  Exercising is boring.  I don't eat vegetables.  My knees/back hurt.  I stress eat.  I have tried everything...nothing works. 

Gaining weight is not easier than losing it.
It is all a matter of your perspective.

If you change the way you think about nutrition and exercise, you'll change your view of easy.

Losing weight takes a why, much determination, and a plan of action...and a Plan B for when life happens.  Life has a habit of getting in the way of your plans.  Expect it and prepare for it as best you can.  Take notes along the way of what works, doesn't work, needs some tweaking, and what you enjoy, as well as, what challenges you the most.  Make adjustments that pave the way for progress.  Forget about being perfect.  Or instantaneous results.  Think marathon versus sprint.

Compare how easy it is to feel a sense of accomplishment when a workout is over, knowing you chose to give it your best that day to how easy it is to feel winded walking from the parking lot into a building.
Compare how easy it is to feel happy about a healthier option by ordering a cheeseburger without a bun versus drowning your sorrows with a side of fries.
Compare how easy it is to know the sore muscles you feel are growing and becoming stronger versus feeling weak and tired from doing nothing all day.
Compare whether your struggle, whatever it may be, is worth the reward you get from it.
It's up to you to choose your easy.  


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