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epic 7

Friday, July 23rd
The day started off great and breakfast going great...finally getting the hang of things now that the week is almost over. :)  Not really...just a smooth start to the day where I didn't have to run back to the kitchen for anything that I had forgotten to place out on the tables.  Everyone was happy this morning...including the cook...and people were just hanging out with me in the kitchen and having a great start to our day together.  One thing that I just love about this team is that the conversations have substance.  From chatting about what God's doing in our lives or what's going on in our churches to more informal topics of where we've been and seen in this world, they are just meaningful to me.  The team members are genuine.
The team went off for their morning projects and I prepared your own taco salad close to Tex-Mex food as I'm going to serve Texans. :)  Birthday cakes and ice cream for dessert today since two of our teens had birthdays this week...complete with candles.  Every year I've been in Alaska someone on my team has celebrated a birthday.  Seems like an awesome place to be on one's birthday...maybe I'll have to try it myself one year.
Once lunch was on the serving table, Traci and Shelby and I went off for a girls day!  No, I don't do this sort of thing often, but given the chance to be "girly", I do take it once in a blue moon.  The thought of the massage chair you get to sit in while they do your pedicure was the ticket for me.  Standing most of everyday had worn my shoulders and back out and a massage was definitely in order.  Loved every minute of it...and since I was done first I even took a little nap while waiting on the others.  Nothing like a power nap on a Friday!  It was a great break, but it did have to end so I could fix an early dinner before the park party in Anchorage we were going to later.
Dinner wasn't as easy as my other two meals...timing was off since we moved dinner up a bit, but people didn't complain.  We made it work. 
Left for the park party with team was disappointed to see her pull up for they wanted me to ride i the van with them.  It was a hard decision to make, but I went with the one who was housing me for the week. :)  Once at the park party, we were reunited and back having fun together as we served the people.  Laura, Bethany and I served drinks and did alot of people watching.  Funny how we would notice alot of the same things without even saying anything to each other.  It didn't take much for us all to start laughing...could have been an exhaustion thing now that I think about it.  It was colder than normal (I thought) at the park.   My hands became very cold and so I used the "goo" that Bethany made at a booth to warm my hands from time to time.  Lots of people came to the park...and they had to go and get more food and supplies before the night was over.  A lot of great contacts had been made throughout the week at the was evident the team serving at the park all week had made an impact on many lives.
The rains came down before the end of park party and I was thankful when Traci said we could make our way back to Eagle River.  We did stop at Taco King for dinner, though...I was so craving mexican food!  Mike B. joined us.  We had a great time talking and enjoying our meal together.  I started teasing Traci about not having a staff shirt yet and that became the joke of the night.  Whenever it could be fit into a conversation, one of us would throw it in and make light that I wasn't really staff since I didn't have a shirt.  Lots of laughs today! 


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