"This is what the Sovereign LORD, the Holy One of Israel, says: 'In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength...'" Isaiah 30:15 Ever have a hard time being quiet? I sure do. Silence is awkward. I read some years back that a natural pause occurs about every 20 minutes in a conversation. I think about that alot when in a room full of people visiting with one another and an overall pause occurs in the room. People don't allow it to last long, but it happens. Seems more so even today that we think we need noise around us at all times...case in point: constantly seeing people with white cords extending from a pocket to their ears. (I guess tthat is better than in the 80's when boom boxes were carried around on shoulders and the noise was shared to all who were in the vincinity...thanks to those who keep the noise to themselves nowadays!) It takes effort to be quiet and be co...
My life of FAITH, FAMILY, and FITNESS.