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MtR: when the battle rages

At my first defense, no one came to my support, but everyone deserted me. May it not be held against them. But the Lord stood at my side and gave me strength, so that through me the message might be fully proclaimed and all the Gentiles might hear it. And I was delivered from the lion’s mouth. The Lord will rescue me from every evil attack and will bring me safely to His heavenly kingdom. To Him be glory for ever and ever. Amen.     2 Timothy 4:16-18
This passage spoke volumes to my heart today in chapel.  Chapel was for me today...everyone else was just blessed to get to hear it as well.  :)
When we are being attacked in some way, whether physically, mentally, or spiritually, the battle can seem very lonely.  There is often no army standing beside you to help you to ward off the evil or wrong that is heading your way like flaming darts at your heart and mind.
The front line is a lonely place.
The target on me is a mighty big one.
Whether the battle is self-afflicted by allowing sin in or it is directed at you under circumstances not of your own control, it makes no difference on the pain that ensues.  The consequences suffered from self-afflicted battles, is understandable...the others, not so much.
Paul sums up our attitudes in battle with one short sentence.
"May it not be held against them."
When people disappoint, I am to relinquish it, rise above it, and rely on the One who stands beside me and gives me the strength I need to make it through.
His plan is greater than my weakest moment.  His grace and mercy amaze me.
Praise God that during this week when battles are occurring left and right, I have a support system to help me stand my ground.  God provides the people we need in our lives for such moments when the battle is the hardest.  I was in the lion's mouth and was delivered from it, both to the praise of my glorious God and thanks to my friends who helped me recover from my encounter.
Choosing to not hold a grudge against those who abandoned me and/or threw flaming darts my way, is just that...a choice.  A choice that, according to God's Word, I am supposed to make.  Any other decision helps none for no one.
God knows and understands my heart more and better than anyone else ever will.  It is His help that I need the most.  I cannot hold a grudge and be ready to receive the help He wants to give me.  My hands and heart are full of negativity when holding onto feelings and hurts from others.  I am to be before Him with hands empty and heart open for what He wants to pour into my life from His neverending source of Living Water.
My burden is lighter because of good friends, God's Word, and the Lord's deliverance.
God is amazing and oh, so good!


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