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lego mania

Legos are currently a major part of my free time. The love-hate relationship I have had with legos has turned a corner for the better. I am thankful to say that I am beginning to see the thrill of them...not necessarily for myself, but for my boys. Yes, there are other things that I enjoy more. However, time spent with my boys sitting on the floor watching them work so hard at putting together a masterpiece and seeing the joy on their faces when it's completed...that is what I treasure the most. I like being the one that helps find the pieces they are needing. Everyone needs a hero and it might as well be me. :)
Just yesterday a Lego Club Jr. magazine arrived in the mail. What excitement stirred up around me over one little magazine. This was a special thing, though, for Tim. This magazine was just for had his name on it. Apparently, Lego Club Jr. is only for those legolovers who are 6 and under. Seeing his name on the magazine brought a big smile to Tim's face. He did a wonderful thing, though, and willingly shared his special item with his brother. Alex is in the Lego Club, too, but his magazine hasn't arrived yet.
Inside was an advertisement about a lego contest where those 6 and under are invited to make a creation of something that lego firemen can use to get their job done. We are to take a picture of it and the builder and send it in by Feb. 15th for a chance to win a prize. I could see the wheels turning as Tim started taking this all in. Off and on all afternoon, Tim would ask questions about the contest and ask for clarification on the rules and how it all worked. By five o'clock, Tim came out of his room where he had been busy for a little while, carrying in his hands, a fire boat complete with a motor he built and little lego firemen standing on the sides. I am not for sure who was more proud of him at that moment, me or him. Was it a prize winning creation? Maybe...or maybe not. But, it was his creation and to him it was great. I thought it was great, too, of course, but even as his mom I didn't see it the way Tim did. He made it and knew its potential...its purpose...better than any onlooker.
We are God's creation. The way we view ourselves or each other does not change how God sees us. He looks at us with perfect eyes...eyes that see our potential way before we do. (Psalm 139) He looks at us through loving eyes...He gave His only Son to be the Savior for us so that we could live with Him for eternity. (John 3:16; I John 4:13-15) He looks at us with eyes full of justice...everybody has the same rules..."Jesus answered, 'I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man comes to the Father but through me.'" (John 14:6). Oh, to know how He loves us and cares for us...everything falls flat in comparison! When we know God, we become more like Him and are able to better see people and things as He sees them. We rejoice in the things that bring Him glory and joy and hate those things that are sinful and displeasing to Him. We seek out truth. We shed light in the darkness with His Word. Take a moment today and look around you and try to see things as God does...let His truth set you free. (John 8:31-32).


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