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epic 6

Thursday, July 22nd
Cannot believe it's Thursday!  Today some of the team stayed here and finished the carpet they're steam cleaning for the church as a service project.  Glad to have more company around.  Duke helped me make today's lunch dessert...chocolate chip cookie bars.  And, since Cody and Adam were helping with the carpet they stopped in time to time and made sure the batter was just right. 
Each day brings more fun and fellowship with this team.  More and more, I'm finding that the kitchen is just a perfect place to warm up and get to chatting with people about all sorts of things.  SherylAnn and I had a most blessed conversation about identifying ourselves with Christ first and foremost before any other "label".  Again, it went back, for me, to my first trip to Alaska and how God showed me I am to find myself in Him first and then go and tackle my other responsibilities. 
Traci came after lunch and snatched me away for staff meeting which was at Calvary.  Haven't seen much of her and the fam the past few days, so it was nice to go and catch up on the ride into town.  The meeting on the other hand was a bit overwhelming...nothing like coming into something totally foreign and trying to find where I fit in.  Next week is going to be interesting to say the least.  
Pretty much right after the meeting we take off for Eagle River again...we go back to Traci's house and I change for the night out to Wildberry's.  A true night off from the kitchen.  Yay!  Although, for this team it's not really work to cook for them, it's true joy to serve with them.  Ruth and SherylAnn did an absolutely awesome job at cleaning the kitchen for me while I was at staff meeting.  So grateful for the help!
We headed off for Wildberry's just after 4...had time to browse the grounds and gift shop before our reservation at 6.  Chose 7 different "turtles" to enjoy over the next week.  After today, I figured I'd need a little pick me up to help me get through next week...and they'd also remind me of my team from this week who graciously invited me along with them tonight.  That will bring a smile.
During dinner, having the opportunity to sit and listen to all the voices around me, the exhaustion set in rapidly.  As long as I kept moving I was okay...once I sat down, I was done.  I realized that I could fall asleep with my eyes open.  That was crazy!  I drank alot of water after that trying to keep it from happening again.  Dinner was good, the company was better.  Most everyone ordered a seafood dish of some sort...I ordered the bbq pork.  I guess I was missing GA more than I realized. :)  They had nothing on Cafe Pig.
After dinner, some of us took in the free show...a man who liked to sing performed for us.  Not Vegas, but nice nonetheless.  I won a free ticket to a tourist trap in downtown Anchorage.  Will have to find time to cash that in next week...and someone to go with me.  
A little drama in the parking lot when our van wouldn't start...but with jumper cables it started right up again, thankfully.  When asked what we should do next, I suggested that we go enjoy the sunset by the beach since it was so nice out and the sun was shining.  We had plenty of time, though, to go downtown and browse some shops beforehand, however.  I found a "I heart AK" t-shirt which I fell in love with the second I saw it...and a few other things that I've not purchased before from AK.  A fun time and a beautiful rainbow in the sky to enjoy with new friends.
When we pulled up to the beach parking area, I just couldn't believe my eyes.  Denali was visible from top to bottom...clear blue skies between the mountain and me.  The sight of it brought tears to my eyes.  Such a blessing to see the mountain that has eluded me two previous trips to Alaska.  And, it became more beautiful as the sun set lower into the sky.  I was mesmerized by it's beauty and it's size.  
The sunset was gorgeous combine seeing Denali, a beautiful sunset, and relatively warm weather and you got yourself one great evening.  And, it only got better from here.  Just down the road on the way back to Eagle River, we saw a huge bull moose on the right hand side of the road.  The first one most of the team had seen in the wild.  He was so beautiful and so content just munching away on his grass or whatever it was he was eating.
I was so content, too...having experience all the day's events I just didn't think anything could top it.  Then, driving back to Eagle River, we saw the almost Full Moon rise over the mountains.  Such a display of God's creativity to share with us after an already awesome evening.  It was beautiful!  
Mountain. Moose. Moon.  I felt blessed indeed!    


  1. Sounds like you are having an amazing time in Alaska! God is GOOD:) I love how we are constantly reminded of His Might & Power when we take the time to stop and look around us!
    Have a blessed weekend

  2. Thanks, Denise! Alaska was amazing! God always teaches me something while I am there...probably because I am away from my comfort zone and keenly aware He is my all in all.


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