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Guest Post: "Me Time?"

Earlier this summer my blogger friend, Dorie, from "These Grace Filled Days" and "Homeschooling Just Next Door" asked me to write a guest post for her to be published over at "Growing Your Homeschool".
Today is the day!  I am so excited and thankful for this opportunity opened up to me.
Thank you, Dorie, for the invitation to guest post for you!
Please drop by and visit their blogs for encouragement along your homeschooling journey.

Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, He got up, went out,
and made His way to a deserted place. And He was praying there.
Simon and his companions went searching for Him.
They found Him and said, “Everyone’s looking for You!”
And He said to them, “Let’s go on to the neighboring villages
so that I may preach there too. This is why I have come.”
So He went into all of Galilee,
preaching in their synagogues and driving out demons.
Mark 1:35-39

A conversation that I had last week with another homeschooling mom finally gave me the best answer to the most asked question I have received over the past 4 years of homeschooling...
"How do you spend all day, every day, with your kids?"

Often following this question is a statement about needing "me time". I have always just spoken from my heart that spending time with my kids is a joy and it is what God desires of me right now.
I am then usually asked about when I have "me time". I speak of having a wonderful support system of grandparents and friends who watch the boys time to time. I do not feel a need for time away from my kids every day. I actually really miss them when they are with someone else.

Now, though, thanks to one simple statement from my friend, I have a great answer to the question about being with my boys all day long, but I also have a new perspective on "me time"...
"The Bible doesn't mention anything about 'me time'."
Not in the sense that we use that phrase, anyway...

Read the rest over at "Growing Your Homeschool"...enjoy!


  1. Thank you, Janet, for sharing your encouraging words with us all!


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