Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade. This inheritance is kept in heaven for you, who through faith are shielded by God’s power until the coming of the salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time. In all this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed. Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy, for you are receiving the end result of your faith, the salvation of your souls.This passage has resonated for me this month...taking on goals that go against what I'm used to doing. A lifestyle change. It's not for me, though. It's for the betterment of myself in order that I can better be effective for Christ and my family. My goal is beyond what I can's asking for God's help and strength to be more than I can be by myself.
1 Peter 1:3-9
God is so good!
My goals have gone well this week...
I really am enjoying seeing bedtime come these days. I made it to bed every night before 11pm without a problem except for last night when we were traveling home from the beach. If it counts I started nodding off around 10 pm in the car, but attempted to stay awake to keep Scott company. He might have preferred me to be asleep...I was kind of out of it.
I am so loving Bible study this's on Jonah. So awesome. I also remembered to not make another appointment for a Monday in the future. I was excited I remembered again that Monday's are not available.
And, I have continued to be up and at 'em while it's still dark out. I'm overjoyed with how this is making life so much more productive for us all. God's doing a great work here. Sometimes, I am tired, though, and I'm learning to not complain about that. Complaining won't change anything (as I often tell my boys). Still learning how to go to bed earlier...and hoping that one morning I will find that I haven't awakened at 3:40 AM, having trouble them going back to sleep until my alarm goes off.
Although I didn't make it online to link up with the other ladies in the 3 in 30 Challenge, I had a marvelous time in Gulf Shores.
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