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30 DoT: {days 8 & 9} a restaurant & a website

The restaurant that comes to mind is Stoll's Lakeview Restaurant in my hometown. Owned and operated by Christians, it was a great first job! They gave me my first job in college and worked around my schedule for me. Made some good friends while working there. Aside from gas money, it gave me an eye opening experience on how to handle serving others...and the fact that some people appreciate the littlest of things, while others are not pleased with anything. You take them both and make the most out of what you are handed.
The website I am most thankful for is my own. God has given me courage to begin blogging...not for money or followers, but for His glory alone. A place to express myself in order for God to use as He delights. I had signed up months before I ever typed a word for a post. I could not come up with a title. Apparently when the time was right it just all fell into place. Some 400+ posts later, I still am enjoying the blogosphere. I have blogs I visit, but will not begin naming them because I enjoy so many for different reasons, I do not want to leave anyone out.
[Typed on phone while away...forgive any autocorrecting errors that it might have.]


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